악당의 짓 영어로
- rascality
- 악당의: ruffian; ruffianly; scoundrelly
- 짓: 짓 [행위] an act; a deed; behavior; conduct;
- 악당: 악당 [惡黨] a rascal; a villain; [깡패] a hooligan; a hoodlum. (이) ~ 같으니 (You) Devil! / (You) Bastard! / (You) Son of a bitch!(▶ 이 같은 표현은 쓰지 않는 것이 바람직함).
- 짓: 짓 [행위] an act; a deed; behavior; conduct; [소행] a work; doings. 눈~ a sign with the eyes / a look / an eye-signal / eyeing / giving the eye . 몸~ a gesture / individual mannerisms. 손~ a motion of the
- 당의: 당의 [糖衣] sugar-coating. 알약에 ~를 입히다 sugarcoat a pill.▷ 당의정 [-錠] a sugarcoated pill[tablet].당의 [黨議] [당의 강령] a party policy[principle]; [당의 회의] a party council; [당의 결의] a party decision. ~에 따르다 abide by
- 산악당: mountain robber
- 음악당: bandstand
- 광대 짓: loopiness; looniness; batshitness
- 나쁜 짓: villainy; wrongdoing; roguery; evildoing
- 못된 짓: delinquencies
- 미친 짓: bedlam
- 분한 짓: shame
- 심한 짓: shame
- 국립능악당: National Noh Theatre
- 나의 절친 악당들: Intimate Enemies (2015 film)